
Marion County Park District

Naturally wild, naturally fun!


V 1.0.2

Marion Tallgrass Trail

tallgrass trail

The Marion Tallgrass Trail reached the Hardin County line in late 2017, a distance of 12.44 mile from the eastern trailhead site at 2093 Holland Road West, just west of Marion. The trail follows the former Erie-Lackawanna railroad, which was abandoned in 1976.

In the first mile, visitors can find trumpeter swans, bald eagles, and a beaver lodge as the trail ollows the shore of a 53 acre lake. The trail then crosses an open area before crossing SR 203 and entering the beautiful Big Island Wildlife area. After the small village of Espyville the trail travels west through a peaceful wooded corridor, passing one mile north of the village of New Bloomington and entering the unincorporated village of DeCliff. Continuing west, the trail crosses SR 37. The trail passes through a beautiful tunnel under Riley Road, before continuing an additional 1.4 miles to the county line.

Parking is available at five locations:

bee flower butterfly butterfly yellow owl in flight

Well-behaved dogs are permitted, but must be on leashes and you must pick up and carry out their waste. The park closes at dusk (30 minutes after sunset). Horses and motor vehicles (except motorized wheelchairs) are not permitted on the trail. Smoking is prohibited on the Tallgrass Trail and all Marion County Parks.

The nature center (see calendar for hours) hosts many interesting programs, and includes an outdoor pavilion with 6 picnic tables. The outdoor pavilion is available for rental for $50 when the park district does not have programming. To reserve the shelter, message us on Facebook (Marion Tallgrass Trail) or leave a message on our answering machine (740-223-4161).

An observation deck overlooks 53 acre Marion Community Foundation Lake near the midpoint of the first mile, and a playground is available at the Holland Rd. trailhead.


Help maintain the Tallgrass Trail

Please consider a donation to help us maintain and enhance our beautiful rail-trail. Click here for sponsorship opportunities.

Link to book walk website
Tallgrass Map
High resolution map (12.4 MB .png file)
Medium resolution map (899 KB .jpg file)